Saturday, January 8, 2011

Thanks For a Fun Session!

Thanks to everyone who attended the Saturday meet up today. The work-a-day world we live in permits us very little time for the hobbies and recreations we enjoy but I find our game a very fun, engaging and relaxing break.

Lots of choices for which course the party might take next as they contemplate the words of Hirihyal. There is the matter of the seeking out of Tuatha, a drua lore master and bard who is also a prince among thieves, and the only known living person in the Lost World who understands the prophecy "And there shall be a land both new and old." Tuatha is rumored to have vanished into the pits of Tartessos, the most corrupt city in the Atlantean realms..meanwhile, the relic has been politely but firmly retained by the Temple hierarchy...could be a problem.

I am planning running a game on next Saturday the 15th. Hope to see everyone there.

The Tuatha De Danan (probably spelled wrong) is one of the original mythic races of Ireland--I was pleased that my subconscious supplied me with a  suitable name for the drua prince--wandering race and all. The name Hirihyal is a direct appropriation from M.A.R. Barker's Tekumel setting, although aside from the name there is no similarity between Posiedon's wayward daughter and the more infamous Mistress of the Thirty Two Unspeakable Acts...

Have a great week.

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